Category: Places We’ve Been

By , January 14, 2012 12:23 pm

When you are not diving, it’s nice to get out and stretch the legs some times. I really appreciate a good walk. Especially after living on our little Cays for the past two months. It turns out that diving is a lot different from walking, and my legs have more or less forgotten what walking is all about. The problem is that Jewel and Pigeon Cays, where we live, have &#91read more]

By , December 25, 2011 9:14 am

Dear readers, friends, family. Ashley and I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas. I know it’s been a long time since we’ve seen many of you. Somewhere in the neighbourhood of 6 months, counting back to when we first started on this journey. Some of you we’ll see in the new year, and we are really looking forward to that, but for the most part, we’ll probably &#91read more]

By , December 10, 2011 3:54 pm

As we told you in our last post, we came to Utila, Honduras to get my Open Water certification in scuba diving.  That, and a few fun dives for the both of us.  That was supposed to be it. The second I descended in open water that all changed… I was instantly drawn in by the new world that exists under the surface of the ocean.  Each dive found me &#91read more]

By , December 5, 2011 8:22 pm

Utila is a small island off the north coast of Honduras. It’s a fairly famous backpacker haunt because it’s the world’s cheapest place to learn how to scuba dive. An average certification course costs somewhere in the neighbourhood of $240-$270USD. When we left home, I had never heard of the place. Once we were on the road, It didn’t take long to meet people who had either already been to &#91read more]

By , November 30, 2011 2:20 pm

Note:  If you’ve been following our Facebook fan page, you know that we’ve been out of Belize and in Utila, Honduras for the past month.  We’ve fallen in love with scuba diving and are currently still in Utila feeding our addiction.  Our next posts will catch you up with the last month of our lives and the new twist in our travel plans… so stay tuned. Our trip to Belize &#91read more]

By , November 25, 2011 6:49 pm

Our trip to Belize was only going to be a visa run. We needed to reset our C4 visa before moving on from Guatemala to Honduras, and Belize seemed like a good (albeit pricey) place to do it. We thought we would go up to Caye Caulker, and then work our way back to Placencia to catch the Friday ferry to Puerto Cortes, Honduras. The ferry would only take about &#91read more]

By , November 12, 2011 8:18 pm

It finally happened… we found a place we just didn’t like. In fairness, we didn’t give Orange Walk much of a chance either. We spent only one night there, and were more than happy to be on the first bus out of town the next morning. Before I get into why we didn’t like it, I should mention why we bothered to go there in the first place. According to &#91read more]