By , February 4, 2011 11:14 pm

It’s official, our house is finally on the market.  You can check out the listing on our Realtor’s website Rock Bridge Realty. If you know anyone that’s looking to purchase an affordable character home near Saskatchewan’s capital of Regina, please let them know about our place.  We’d be very grateful.

It’s unlikely that we will postpone our travels if our house does not sell before July, but it sure would be nice if it did.  We are selling it partly to eliminate the stress that comes with finding someone to rent, and partly because there is very little chance that we will move back to Qu’Appelle when our travels are over. We are not, however, financing our trip from the value in our house.  That’s what our Travel Funds are for.  What money we do make selling our house will be locked away safe in our bank until we decide to settle down again.  It’ll make a reasonable down payment on a new house or business somewhere down the line.

We’ve done a lot of work since I last posted about becoming unfettered two and a half weeks ago.  In order to get the house ready to list we had to do some major de-cluttering.  If you ask Ashley, she’ll say she did more work than me, and she’d be correct.  I threw my back out last Friday and left a lot of the heavy lifting to her and my father.

So what all did we do? Well, we…

  • sold some stuff online, most noticeably  our shelving units
  • re-arranged the living room
  • took all of our empty liquor bottles in for a refund + $100
  • hauled all of our garage sale items over to my parent’s garage
  • put everything we could into a closet or cupboard
  • dusted
  • vacuumed
  • swept
  • washed the floors
  • did the laundry
  • put away the dishes
  • filled the garbage bin on the curb
  • hauled a lot of garbage to the dump in the pickup

To give you an idea of how much work was done, here are some before and after photos.  Now that the place is finally clean, I’d be lying if we haven’t started to reconsider our decision to sell.  It really is a charming character home with lots of space when you get rid of all the clutter.

living room before

living room after

kitchen before

kitchen after

spare bedroom before

spare bedroom after

It sure is nice to finally be done.

7 Responses to “Selling Our House in Qu’Appelle, SK, Canada”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mark Wood, traveledearth. traveledearth said: *New Post* #rtwsoon Selling Our House in Qu’Appelle, SK, Canada […]

  2. That’s really great that you’ll be able to sock away the money for your safety net. And you guys made us look so sluggish and unprepared — we still have all of our stuff. Ugh, really got to have a move on selling it all soon.

    • Mike Lenzen says:

      I’m impressed we were able to make someone else look unprepared. So not typical for us. It was really only a week’s worth of work to get to this point, so don’t despair.

  3. Wow, you guys did a lot of work! Good luck on the sale! Cheers!

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